It is believed claims of more than £160,000 have been made against the authority, but a London lawyer told the Knutsford Guardian yesterday that he could not predict what the final figure would be.

Yesterday (Tuesday) Cheadle-based solicitor Peter Garsden, who is representing most of the 16 victims, refused to comment on the case.

"It is at a delicate stage as I am about to speak to the defendants, but in a month's time I may be able to give you an exact figure," he said.

Bachelor McLean, formerly of King Street, was jailed in 1997 for nine years after he was convicted of indecently assaulting 10 youngsters.

The sexual assaults took place over an 11-year period even though McLean had allegedly been warned by officials at Cheshire County Council about his conduct towards youngsters.

A writ for damages was issued in 1998 when nine people, who were abused at county council-run Kilrie children's home in Northwich Road began their battle for compensation.

Adrian Lound, who was abused in the 1980s, told the Knutsford Guardian: "I want to know why Bruce McLean was allowed to carry on abusing kids for so long. They shouldn't have let it happen."

Cheshire County Council has now appointed solicitors to deal with the case and is believed to have made several settlements out of court already.

But yesterday a spokesman said she could not comment on the proceedings.

"We do not want to say anything that could prejudice any further cases," she said.

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