A spokesman for the coroner's office said yesterday (Tuesday) that full police reports had not yet been completed detailing the deaths of Gary Anderson and Robert Spencer.

"Hopefully a date for an inquest will be set by the end of the year," said a spokesman.

Yesterday (Tuesday) Eamon Hunt, a friend of Mr Anderson, said it was a terrible time for all who knew both men.

"It is a horrible thing to go through and people will have to relive it all a year after it happened," he said.

"People want to put all the rumours that flew around to bed and need some answers."

Mr Anderson is believed to have been dead for days before a workman spotted his body on a bed in his Middle Walk flat.

Shocked neighbours described him as a fit man who enjoyed jogging and exercising in the gym.

Mr Hunt, landlord at the Red Cow, told the Guardian that Mr Anderson had been a regular at his Canute Place pub.

"Last year he took part in a charity event after turning up at the pub by chance," he said.

"He just went home and got changed because that is what he was like."

Police are also still sifting through information about 29-year-old Robert Spencer, of Mobberley Road, who was found hanged in Dog Wood.

"It is hard for anyone who knew them because you want a final verdict as part of the grieving process," said Mr Hunt.

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