AN army of Beanie Bears is helping to raise money and promote a message of peace across the globe.

The official Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Trust peace teddies have already been adopted by hundreds of children in Warrington and Ireland, and even as far away as the United States but this is only half the story.

There are still many more looking for new homes.

They were the brainchild of Wendy Parry mum of Tim, who died in the Bridge Street bombing seven years ago and she says that the bears are a great way of raising funds and spreading the message of peace, thanks to the Beanie craze and because they are so cute!

In just two months, £3,000 has been raised from sales.

There are two to collect at £3.50 each a purple bear named Ribena and a white one called Polar, both sporting a children for peace message.

The bears can be ordered by ringing 581231 or by sending a cheque made payable to Timjon Co Ltd, to the Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Young People's Centre, Peace Drive, Warrington, WA5 1HQ.