CONGLETON could become a major dining destination for lovers of good food from across Cheshire.

The claim came this week from chamber of trade leader Ian Swann in the wake of plans to open a new restaurant in the town.

Long-vacant premises in Swan Bank, Congletons first supermarket, are earmarked for what is believed to be an Italian restaurant.

Mr Swann is president of the Congleton chamber, and said the new diner could pave the way for a tourism push to highlight local restaurants.

He added that such an initiative needed to be promoted properly, and suggested a partnership between the town and borough councils.

Solicitors acting for the owner of the premises said they continued to deteriorate, and the owner could not see them being used as a shop in the foreseeable future.

Councillors approved a change of use from retail to restaurant after planning chief Geoff Allen said it was preferable for the premises to make a positive contribution to the town centre than remain vacant indefinitely.

Mr Swann welcomed the new use, bearing in mind there was no realistic prospect of them becoming a shop.

We need to do more to promote Congleton, and need more specialised restaurants such as the one planned for Swan Bank, he said.