YOUNG rugby players had their practice sessions kicked in to touch after their new sports equipment was stolen.

The members of the Mini-Leaguers, the council's rugby development programme, who are all aged between five and 11 years old, only received the supplies three weeks ago after a kind donation by a parent.

However, the sportsgear, which included rugby balls, tags, cones and some bowling equipment, was stolen on the evening of August 13 from the bowling pavilion in Bank Park where it was stored. It was discovered that the thieves had smashed up the building the following morning, but the theft wasn't noticed until the youngsters turned up for their practice the following week.

The equipment is extremely distinctive, the rugby balls are designed with primrose and blue panels and are contained in a bright red bag, along green and red tags, a first aid box and cones. There is no other rugby team in Warrington which has the same equipment.

Neil Kelly, Warrington Borough Council's rugby development officer, said: "It is such a shame for the children. The group meets every Sunday morning and they were really disappointed when they turned up to realise all their new equipment had been stolen."