I WOULD like to take this opportunity to reply to the letter in last week's GUARDIAN regarding the Tuesday night bingo at Woolston Leisure Centre.

Woolston Community Association has played bingo at Woolston Leisure Centre since 1974 on Tuesday evenings. Since the 1960s and early 70s the residents of Woolston have donated a substantial amount of money to equip the then new Leisure Centre. A Community Association was formed organising various social events and activities at the Centre. In 1974 there was an agreement between the Borough Council and the Community Association where the Association enjoyed the free use of the Centre for three evenings a week, which has now been reduced to two nights, one of these nights for the people of Warrington.

Whilst I sympathise with the Jujitsu class, it is not the fault of the bingo players. Mrs Salisbury states that: "Would it not be possible for the bingo players to change to day time?" Unfortunately this cannot be done. Our organisers have other commitments in the daytime and indeed some of our players work, have families and other commitments also during the day. This evening was intended for the people of Woolston and we intend to keep it for the people of Woolston. The management of Woolston Leisure Centre would agree that this is the best compromise for the benefit of the Jujitsu class and the many other activities that the Centre runs.


Woolston/Rixton Ward