I WORK in a professional office in the vicinity of Palmyra Square and would like to challenge Mr Du Prez's statement that it is only appreciated by dossers and men in brown macs. Every lunchtime in good weather there are people from surrounding offices or taking a break from shopping, enjoying the sunshine or the cool shade of the trees. It is also refreshing for those of us who do not live in the leafy suburbs to simply walk past the park on the way to and from work whatever the season, smelling bluebells in the spring, cut grass in the summer.

However it is not just the human population who enjoy these oases of nature in the town centre: The foliage presently in the west side of the gardens provides cover for several species of birds including greenfinches and the once common house sparrow. Thankfully this area will not be turned into a car park and is to retain some areas of planting. As it is, I would urge the Council to consult its own environment specialists and incorporate in its new plans dense types of shrubs which could provide shelter for our smaller nesting birds. The large conifer hedge is surely ideal in this respect but sadly is not part of the new plans. Can we consider all forms of life in our planning, not just are own!

