REGARDING the Warrington Rugby ground, I am glad that they are going to move. Since they have been in the Super League the noise from the ground has been atrocious. However, I don't understand a few things about this move to the People's Stadium.

Did not Warrington Council purchase the old ground for £1m of the people's money. What will happen to the old ground now?

There are 350,000 people in Warrington. The rugby club boasts of gates of 4,000 for two teams. (That also includes the free tickets that are given away). Hardly a figure to be shouting about.

Warrington has maintained steady retail growth for many years now, is the expansion of the town centre, with bigger and better stores, new shopping malls, the chance of a new bus station, worth jeopardising for the sake of a rugby ground?

Can't the Council find another site where it can house the ground, and include with it other facilities like swimming pools, sports halls, athletic track and field, fitness centre, cinema, theatre, restaurant. Then it could be called a people's arena. Something for Warrington to be proud of.

I wonder why it was that the Council broadcast the meeting as public entertainment to the people on the grass outside, yet a couple of weeks ago it was meeting in secret to discuss the fate of schools? I would have thought that was far more important.

I hope that we all remember these things come election time.


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