But once on stage Helen Massey finds a friendly face to counter any stage fright before she unleashes her unmistakeable soprano voice.

Mum and dad are usually in the ront row and wave at me, says the 20-year-old. But there would be something wrong if I didnt get nervous.

But Helen, who will be performing the Requiem by Faure at St Oswalds Church on Friday, is no stranger to the spotlight.

The former BBC choirgirl of the year has won a place at the Royal College of Music.

Up until I was 17, I had wanted to be a vet but now my life has taken a whole new turn, she says

Now instead of caring for creatures, she spends three hours a day chirping like a lark.

Im always singing in the shower, it really annoys my flatmates, says the girl from Northwich.

Her Good Friday solo performance, followed by a duet with David Hay will be conducted by Owen Wynne.

Owen said he was pleased his former pupil Helen had agreed to take part in his chorale.

She has such an unusually distinctive voice with lots of character, he said. She has come a long way in a short time and will be the star attraction.

The former male alto, who has himself broadcast for the BBC, said he had a particular affection for the setting.

The atmosphere is warmer and more intimate, he says. The village has a lot of history and is altogether a lovely place.

Proceeds from the concert will be donated to the mayoral charity fund.