WARRINGTON-based Prima Business Control Software has won £2m. in a competition run by venture capital company 3i, based in London.

The windfall will enable the Tanners Lane company to expand and create 20 new jobs over the coming year.

Prima was one of three winners chosen from more than 200 companies nationwide, in the "Technology Catapult" competition, which is organised in association with a national newspaper.

It aims to attract the brightest of the country's new technology-based firms and provide them with development funding.

Prima has spent two years developing business control software, which will make it easier for companies to run their businesses.

Steve McLaughlin, founder and chief executive of Prima, was previously MD of a computer company. Frustrated because accounting and other business software didn't meet management needs, he set up his own company and developed new software with the help of his 10 strong team.

Said Steve: "We expected to get through to the final but it was quite a surprise to win. We are very pleased. There were more than 5,000 enquiries at the start of the competition."

The £2m. deal will involve 3i taking 25 per cent of the shares of Prima.

The company is now looking for bigger premises in the Warrington area. The new jobs will be in sales, project management and software development.

Its immediate aim is to go Euro-wide over the next two years. Steve said there was already a lot of interest in the software in Europe. His aim ultimately is to see Prima develop into a global company.

Two new members are being appointed to the Prima team, Tony Hart as sales and marketing director and Nick Munster, who is to be MD.

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