ANOTHER GCSE year, fraught with tension for staff and pupils, has ended in success at Leftwich High School.

The top nine pupils (pictured) got 106 top grades (A-C) between them, out of which 84 were grade A* or A.

Headmaster Trevor Hodkinson said: I am delighted by our pupils achievements.

I am very pleased that, once again, over one third of all pupils gained eight or more top A* to C grades; indeed there were five pupils with 11 or more!

Equally, those pupils who have found academic study challenging were delighted with their grades.

The school produced better than 80 per cent success in Physics, Chemistry, Biology, German and Government and Politics, with 90 per cent in Music and 97 per cent in Art.

There was also significant improvement over last year in Geography, IT, Drama and Business Studies.

Chairman of Governers, Chris Chapman, said: These results are thoroughly deserved by our pupils, but teachers and parents alike must take credit too, for their hard work and support has helped produce the fine achievements.