WITH ST Mary's own ground still hosting cricket Crewe & Nantwich's away game was switched to Waterloo Rugby Club. Although the facilities were first class, the empty stands and terracing were hardly conducive to any sort of atmosphere and more importantly the full size pitch certainly worked against Crewe although this was entirely of their own making. Due to a mix-up Crewe travelled with only one substitute where 3 are allowed. Normally they may have got away with it but unfortunately they suffered injuries firstly to their tighthead prop and soon afterwards to his replacement and so for three-quarters of the game they were condemned to play with only 14 men.

What might have been was apparent in the first 15 minutes when Crewe raced into a 10 point lead with a try from Martin Pemberton, converted by Simon Robertson who followed up with a penalty goal. Then disaster struck with the double injuries and although Crewe still held a half-time advantage of 13 pts to 8 the combination of the extra man and the wide open spaces of Waterloo gradually wore down the resolute Crewe defence.

St Mary's scored a converted try to put themselves in the lead but Robertson landed his third penalty to nose Crewe ahead by a single point but unfortunately they could not stem, by now, the constant St Mary's attacks and although they prevented them crossing the try-line gave away 2 penalty kicks. The side were certainly not disheartened with its three-quarters looking very sharp but the forwards need to show more aggression and purpose but a true pointer to the seasons prospects will have to wait for a couple of weeks when 2 or 3 key players are due to return from holidays.

The second team lost to Ashton-on-Mersey Seconds by 25-3 with Charles Turpin landing a penalty for Crewe. The thirds at Ashton overwhelmed the opposition by 58 pts to 10 with hat-tricks by Gary Davies and Ben Waterhouse and tries from Mike Bowyer, Marcus Frew, Ian Pemberton and Alan Coily. Neil Tilley, Bowyer and Waterhouse converted 4 tries.

The fourths defeated Michelin second by 41-0 with tries by Kevin Simmons (3), Les Hobson, Roger Badman (2) and Charles Hampson. Martin Smith landing 2 conversions.

Next Week sees, realistically, Crewe condemned to a damage limitation exercise when they travel to Widnes in the RFU Intermediate Cup. Widnes happen to be 3 leagues above them. The seconds will be at home (to be confirmed), the thirds at Leek and the Vets at Chester.