Today (Wednesday) more than 800 items made by WI members from across the country will go on display in the Tenants Hall in a huge exhibition.

"It has taken four years to plan the event which is one of our millennium celebration projects," said Victoria Chatterton of the National Federation of Women Institutes on Monday. "Everything on display will be really professional."

Members of 70 federations from all over the country have made items for the exhibition.

Since September 1998, a pair of selectors have travelled around the country choosing the best examples of crafts made by WI members.

Items picked for the Tatton Park event will range from bead work and basketry to weaving and woodwork.

The exhibition will be an opportunity for institutes to showcase their members' talent and traditional skills.

"We are proud to be continuing traditions and passing skills on to future generations," said Victoria.

Items will be exhibited in five classes including depictions of history and examples of crafts for the home and garden.

About 15,000 people are expected to visit the exhibition. Tickets are £3.50.