DETERMINED Gary Steele will head down to London on Monday, September 11 to hand in a petition at 10 Downing Street as part of Prostate Cancer Awareness Week.

Since recovering from the disease himself Mr Steele, of Cherry Crescent, Winsford has set up a support group and dedicated himself to raising the profile of prostate cancer.

During the awareness week he hopes to present the petition directly to Prime Minister Tony Blair.

He will also meet with health secretary Yvette Cooper in London in a bid to give the same rights to men suffering from prostate cancer as for women hit by breast cancer.

Mr Steele said: "We have not yet had confirmation whether Tony Blair will be at home or not, but we need to draw attention to what we are doing.

"We don't want to take anything away from the funding that breast cancer receives.

"But we want equality in terms of recognition, checks from the age of 45 and more funding to look into this terrible disease."

Other events include a 60's night at Winsford Conservative Club, Ways Green this Friday, September 8 featuring The Merseybeats with tickets costing £3.

There will also be a drop-in centre at Winsford shopping centre on Friday, September 15 to provide information about the disease and those who are vulnerable through age or family history. For more details ring Gary Steele on 553097 or the Prostate Cancer Awareness Association (NW) on 0845 6010766.