AN ex-police officer and his family say they are living in fear after suffering nine years of abuse at the hands of mindless thugs.

A torrent of death threats, abusive phone calls and slanderous accusations has accompanied the hate campaign, with teenage vandals systematically laying seige to the family's Orford home.

Mr Smith, whose name we have altered at his request, has had bricks thrown through his windows and his car dangerously sabotaged.

He said: "I've had threatening phone calls in the middle of the night for six months at a time, including threats to my wife and daughter that they'll get kneecapped. I've had the brake cable cut on my car and a brick was thrown through a bedroom window which narrowly missed my son. I can't sleep at night because I am scared for my family - I'm frightened of opening the front door."

As a policeman, Mr Smith instigated a 'bobby on the beat' scheme in the community where he lived and served, but now finds himself a helpless victim. He believes the attacks stem from grudges held against him from the time he served in the force.

He has installed CCTV surveillance equipment at his home, but despite supplying names and video footage to the police, he says the youngsters have received little more than a "hand slapping." Now, he fears he may be provoked into taking the law into his own hands.

Mr Smith would like to see new antisocial behaviour legislation introduced by Home Secretary Jack Straw used to clamp down on the offenders. He says neighbours have also had property damaged but are frightened to report it.

"I am concerned the police are not getting jobs done and have not got enough staff. The most I seem to get is an incident number," he said. "There is only so much I can do to defend myself. The law should protect me."