ONE of Warrington's best known characters has retired from the job he believes was "the best in the Church of England."

Hospital chaplain Reverend Philip Mears, who has experienced every aspect of life there over the past 19 years giving spiritual comfort to both patients and staff, bid a fond farewell to friends and colleagues.

He describes his time at the hospital as "quite eventful" and says he has seen how the healing power of faith can help people cope with loss and suffering.

"The hospital deals with tragedy every day but there is a tremendous atmosphere of care," he said. "It has been a real privilege to work here."

After studying at the University of Durham, Rev Mears' career saw him travel to Greece and spend a year in the Orthodox Church. He was curate in a number of parishes and worked in America before he became Warrington Hospital's chaplain.

Rev Mears now plans to continue providing training at hospices, but the keen runner, who has raised thousands of pounds for charity, will be cutting down on his marathons.

"I want to wear my library card out and spend some time with my grandson," he said.