TWIN visitors from Wonderland took a tour of Warrington and joined the Mad Hatter just in time for tea!

Members of the Lewis Carroll Society, based in Daresbury, are 'twinned' with Llandudno in North Wales, where the original, real-life Alice spent much of her childhood. Every year, they each choose a girl from the community to be "Alice" to promote the society.

As part of an annual exchange, Warrington's Alice, 11-year-old Jane Whitlow, twinned up with her 10-year-old Welsh counterpart, Carly Hawker. The pair visited Carroll's birthplace at Daresbury. The tour ended at the Golden Square, where Jane and Carly met the Hatter, the dormouse and the March hare at Warrington's unique monument to the children's author.

Society member Keith Wright said: "It is a great experience for the girls.

"The youngster from Daresbury gets an insight into where Alice used to spend much of her childhood at the seaside resort, while the girl from Llandudno is given an insight into the author's birthplace."