A CELEBRITY thank you is on the way to staff at St Rocco's Hospice after they helped out a famous showbiz couple.

Pop superstar Madonna and director Guy Ritchie chose the name Rocco for their new baby boy after it was suggested by Madonna's daughter Lourdes.

On hearing that the couple knew nothing about the story of the hospice saint, staff at St Rocco's rushed to their aid and contacted Guy Ritchie's publicist in London.

Fundraising assistant Lesley Groome said: "The people at Guy's office were really keen for us to send any information we had on to them so they could forward it to Madonna and Guy in Los Angeles."

The story of the saint begins in France where he was born in 1345. After the death of his parents when he was 20 he gave up all his possessions to the poor and went on a pilgrimage to Rome. There he tended the sick during an epidemic of the plague and performed miraculous cures. On his return to France he was arrested as a spy and later died in prison.

"Along with the story of St Rocco we sent one of our beanie puppies with a tag attached saying 'To baby Rocco with love from St Rocco,' said Lesley. "We're really pleased Lourdes chose the name. The more high profile the name Rocco, the more high profile the hospice becomes."

Fundraising manager Claire Mannock said: "When they said we should expect a personal reply, we were quite surprised, but look forward to hearing from them."