AN Orford community centre is under siege from vandals who have carried out repeated attacks.

Old Orford Residents' Association, Alder Lane, has been the target of a series of incidents where youths have broken locks and repeatedly sprayed the walls of the centre with obscene graffiti. After they failed in their last attempt to gain entry the vandals set fire to pieces of paper and posted them through the door. Despite a steel door and wrought iron window protectors the centre remains a target.

Chaiman, Marilyn Moriarty, puts the blame on a mixed group of around 10 teenagers which hangs around the flats where the community centre is contained.

She said: "The situation just never gets any better, every time they do their graffiti, we scrub it off and they write more abuse. Last time it happened the secretary caught them and called the police.

"The council repainted the wall and 24 hours later they'd been back and done it again but with something more permanent this time.

"We just don't know what to do for the best, it gets really embarrassing when people visit the centre and have to see the disgusting things they've written.

"It's very intimidating for residents of the flats above the centre. We've called the police on lots of occasions, all they say is that they patrol the area regularly."

Orford councillor Mike Hannon said: "I would appeal to the culprits to please see sense and put a stop to the damage once and for all. There are a lot of people volunteering their time to benefit the community and these acts just detract from that good work."