THE 'People's Oscars' is just a phone call away for Warrington's figurehead for peace.

In a fitting tribute to a man who has dedicated the past seven years of his life to the peace cause, following the death of his son Tim in the Bridge Street bombing, Colin Parry has been nominated for the BBC's People's Award.

The results of a telephone vote during a live TV show hosted by Gaby Roslin on Sunday night could see Colin up there with the likes of Richard Branson and Paul McCartney as heroes chosen by the people.

For achieving something so positive from personal tragedy, Colin is tipped as a strong contender for success at the prestigious awards ceremony final at London's Albert Hall on October 6.

Colin, director of the Tim Parry Johnathan Ball Young People's Centre in Warrington, says that he has achieved his goals by being "bloody-minded, outspoken and opinionated".

He added: "Had I not had these characteristics, the charity would not have been developed. You cannot be easily deflated.

"It has been tough and you have got to be able to enthuse others.

"A lot of people have been very good it has been a town effort. I have good allies and friends who have shared the vision, but it needed someone to light the spark.

"I feel very honoured to have been nominated for this award. However it turns out, I am very pleased.

"I am seen as the figurehead but a lot of people have worked very hard. It is also a tribute to them and to Tim."