TO THE people of Burtonwood; It should have been the best carnival yet. Instead it was a washout. We were asked why the carnival didn't go ahead, as the weather cleared up. A decision had to be made and it was made for the safety of the people.

As the Mayor said during the parade: "It must have been the hardest and longest shower I have ever been through".

The field by this time was awash and the rain carried on in the same vein throughout the rest of the day. We would have had to hire tractors to tow off all the attractions.

To the people who stood in the rain to watch the procession, I can only add my heartfelt thanks. Those who had put so much effort into the floats on the day must have felt as disappointed as us all, but in spite of the rain they got plenty of cheers.

I can only thank everyone who was involved, too numerous to mention, who helped not only on the day but during the year leading up to the carnival.

Hopefully, next year will be dry.


Chairperson, Burtonwood Carnival