THEY tied their pants with string to stop rats running up their legs just to get into the true spirit of being Victorian!

For a Dickensian Christmas came early in Culcheth as the community donned the flat caps, corsets and knickerbockers, roasted chestnuts on the fire and mulled the wine.

It was the second annual Victorian Day event run by Culcheth Lions.

More than 2,000 people braved the rain and brought the smiles as shopkeepers on the parade dressed up in traditional costume, joined by children from the village, community groups including the WI and members of other Lions groups throughout the town and the more daring of the villagers.

Most men dressed as labourers such as chimney sweeps tying strings around their trousers but also seen wandering about the village were Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson. Most of the women went for the traditional black, many with crinolines, and a fun day was had by all.

Father Christmas also rolled in on a pony and trap and turned on the Christmas lights, while a Victorian fire engine and steam engine were real eye-openers for the children.

A bouncy castle, raffles and birds of prey also provided the entertainment, followed by a feast at the Methodist Hall.

Lions Club member Margaret Lewis, whose idea it was to hold the event, said that it was a great success.

"Everyone enjoyed themselves and we will be doing it again next year. We were very happy with the day and the support it received," she said.

"I came up with the idea after a trip to Haworth and they were holding a scrogging of the queen event, where the queen gives the key to Christmas to Father Christmas, and thought it would be nice to have a Dickensian style Christmas."

The day replaced the Culcheth bonfire and firework display, which was stopped two years ago because of safety issues.