POORLY children spending the festive holiday in hospital are to be brought some welcome cheer by a group of Warrington youngsters.

Fourteen Prince's Trust Volunteers became Santas for the afternoon at Warrington Hospital's Children's Ward.

"We thought the children who have to be in hospital over Christmas would like cheering up with some toys to play with.

"We've been able to buy a Sony Playstation, karaoke machine and other toys," said programme member Tony McPhilbin.

The young people aged between 16 and 25 come from a range of backgrounds in the town. Some of them are in full-time employment, some are young offenders and others have learning difficulties.

Sponsored by United Utilities, the group have also been busy taking out disabled children on fun days and giving the Children's Society Centre's garden in Orford a makeover.

"The group has made a real impact. Their enthusiasm and hard work has impressed everyone who has met them while they have been on this programme," said Suzanne Rigby, of United Utilities.

Anyone interested in taking part in the Prince's Trust programme should contact John Hancock on 242899.