THE DEADLINE for residents to give their views on a planned 350-home development in Hartford has been extended.

Hartford Village Trust accused developers Redrow Homes of submitting a planning application for 350 homes at Grange Farm to Vale Royal Borough Council during the busy Christmas period - to prevent full scrutiny by residents.

But the borough council has now agreed to be more flexible with the statutory December 28, 2000 deadline to allow the public or any concerned groups to forward more comments throughout January.

A borough council spokesman said: "The statutory requirement to allow comments is 21 days but, unfortunately, the deadline fell on December 28.

"But in practice we are able to accept comments and take them on board throughout January because of the complexity of the application."

Redrow Homes also hopes to build a medical centre and a community hall on the 17.88 hectare greenfield site.

Hartford Parish Council, which was also concerned about the deadline, has forwarded objections based on the use of a greenfield site instead of following government guidelines to use brownfield sites.

Together with the Hartford Village Trust, parish councillors have also raised concerns about the number of homes, traffic congestion and a lack of facilities to cope with an increased population.

Hartford Parish Council clerk Sue Wakeford added: "At first, we were told the deadline would not be extended - but we are now delighted that the borough council was able to find a way to allow more comments."

Correspondence can be sent to the Director of Development Services, Vale Royal Borough Council, Wyvern House, The Drumber, Winsford, Cheshire, and letters must quote APP/2000/0735.