PLANS for a takeaway at 85 Chester Road, in Castle, have been refused.

Residents had complained that there were already seven takeaways in the area and another property had consent for such a use.

Four petitions, including 350 signatures from nearby residents and 18 individual letters objecting to the application were received.

They were objecting to:

Takeaway smell

Extra litter

Lack of parking facilities on a busy road

Vandalism, encouraging youths to congregate and noise and disturbance due to late opening hours.

Northwich Town Council recommended refusal on highways grounds, over development of this type of outlet, lack of parking and potential litter problems.

A letter from the owners of the vacant shop stated that such takeaways on roads into or out of town centres seemed to be the only businesses to prosper; small businesses were becoming a thing of the past and food outlets were better than empty premises.

The owners said they would have preferred to sell to someone prepared to carry on the existing business but this had not been possible.

They added that the property had been for sale for six years and now that the owners wanted to retire they had decided to sell to any buyer.

But planners said the owners' wish to sell the premises did not present a reason to allow the application, which was contrary to policies which sought to protect residential amenity.