HELEN Jones, the MP at the centre of a storm surrounding her support of the stadium and Tesco plans, has written to the club's Primrose and Blue fanzine to put her views 'on record.'

The Warrington North MP has never publicly spoken out for, or against, the plans which will develop the former Tetley Walker site on Winwick Road - though she does say she is in favour of a relocation by the club and is aware of the support the current planning application has received in the town.

But the situation surrounding her own support for the planning application is still unclear.

In the letter to fanzine editor Neil Ashurst, Mrs Jones said: "I want to make crystal clear that I do not oppose, nor have I at any time opposed the current planning application for a new stadium as has been implied in the media.

"I have also not done anything which could have harmed the future of the Wolves as has also been suggested. Quite the opposite. Prior to the matter being called in by the Secretary of State I ensured that the relevant people in the DETR were very much aware of the huge support in the town for the present application. I support the relocation of the club."

She goes on to reiterate that she has made no comment since the application reached London because, speaking as a solicitor, "...comments can backfire and be used to cause more problems and delays which can be ill afforded at this time.

"I have been consistent and taken the same stance with other applications in Warrington North over the last three years."

Fanzine editor Neil Ashurst met Mrs Jones when she was in Warrington on Friday, as reported in the Guardian MIDWEEK.

He welcomed the letter and said: "It's nice that Mrs Jones has taken the time to write to us and it is a quite interesting letter, though she never comes out and says she actually supports the plans.

"It is all very political, as was her response when she met us at the Energy House on Friday. She had carefully planned what she was going to do.

"We will welcome the chance to meet her."