AFTER reading the article on heroin users in Warrington, (GUARDIAN January 18), I can't believe that you are going to give printing space to this subject and the scourge on society that take this drug.

Although I feel sorry for the parents of users, for the misery they are put through, they should point the finger of blame at the feet of their children, for I can't imagine that anybody was standing over their kin pointing a gun to their heads as they indulged on their journey of self destruction.

Let's not forget that drug addicts are likely to steal to fund their habits, so the rest of us have to pay through the nose to meet the rising cost of higher insurance premiums, and the same addicts bleed the NHS of serious and valuable resources with their prescribed methadone and their overdosing.

To blame lack of education as a reason for kids to go on drugs is ridiculous, the rest of society aren't educated on the use of drugs, such as heroin, but the rest of society choose not to take that avenue, it is a choice for the individual so therefore they must take responsibility for their actions.

It's about time the "softly, softly" approach was stopped. For too long we've tried re-habilitation and education and it has not worked, so personally I am in favour of a bit of "zero tolerance", and lock these drug addicts up and get them off the streets.