A NEWLY formed Green Watch group is still on the look-out for new members as it begins its first mission in Crewe.

The Marshfield Green Watch Group is undertaking a wildlife survey on a piece of land it is trying to adopt for a green space.

The land is near Firbeck Gardens off Coppenhall Lane, close to the Marshfield Bank Industrial Estate in Wolstanwood, Crewe, and is to be subject to a three month campaign.

To kick things off, a wildlife count and litter pick has been organised for April 1.

The group is well supported locally and is to receive a grant of £500 in April from Woolstanwood Parish Council. It is hoped more grants will be forthcoming fron other sources.

Whitbread Action Earth, Cheshire WIldlife Trust, Crewe and Nantwich Sustainability Alliance and others are also supporting the group.

Cllr Roy Cartlidge is co-ordinating the project and is encouraging as many people as possible to come along on the day.

He said: "Helping out an environmental project is a great way to learn new skills and at the same time do something really worthwhile.

"We are hoping to see a big turnout for our day," he added.

The next meeting of the group is on Monday, March 5, at the Beefeater Public House on Coppenhall Lane in Crewe and anyone who is interested in helping out is welcome to go along at 8pm.

Alternatively, you can contact Cllr Cartlidge on 211166.