RESIDENTS in Nantwich are set for the lowest increase in council tax within Cheshire.

Borough council chiefs announced a rise of 3.9 per cent for the area as this year's budget was revealed at a special policy committee meeting on Thursday.

Leader of the council, Cllr Peter Kent was pleased with the overall outcome of the meeting.

"The increase of 3.9 per cent amounts to a 9p per week increase on the borough council's proportion of the council tax levied.

"In effect this means the borough's share of the council tax levied comes to less than one seventh of the total amount, for instance for a band D property the borough is levying a charge of £119.43 against the total amount payable of £965.62.

"We are proud to be able to offer a substantial service to our residents at what comes to under £2 per week for most households and we believe that we are continuing to give excellent value for money."

It wasn't all good news, particularly for council house tenants who face a 16 per cent rise in rents.

Cllr Maureen Grant explained: "This very hard decision was taken by the council in order to maintain services to the standard our tenants have come to expect.

"Tennants have been consulted about the choices facing the council at the present time and there is broad agreement that quite a large increase is needed this year to cover our costs.

"We believe our tenants want us to provide a good service for them and unfortunately this step has to be taken to secure that aim."

Both the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats had a hand in developing this year's budget package with amendments accepted to Labour's original proposal.

A proposal to hold an increase in burial and cremation charges at 2.5 per cent was tabled by Liberal Leader Gymn Griffiths and successful while the Conservatives' amendments to end the councils' contribution to the Youth Power 2000 scheme were also accepted.

"It is sad as we do think a lot of youth needs in the borough," said Conservative leader, Cllr Marshall Neild. "But we have spent approximately £100,000 in funding over the last 5 years and having known it was due to end, they should have taken their own steps, last year."