A DISABLED mum-of-three is taking her case to an education tribunal because, she claims, a school has neglected her daughter.

Sam Stanway says Byley County Primary School consistently ignored her pleas for help for her special needs daughter Danielle.

And now she has removed Danielle and sent her to a new school.

"Danielle has been described by the school as nasty and spiteful and she became aggressive at home," said Mrs Stanway.

"But this is because she does not know how to channel her anger. She is a desperately unhappy child, but no-one will help.

"She was being bullied, but the school denied it and said she was lying. She was so upset that she became ill and I had to take her to a therapist for help."

Seven-year-old Danielle is dyslexic, has a low IQ, short-term memory and learning difficulties across the board.

Mrs Stanway has paid out for three independent reports which concluded Danielle needs permanent one-to-one teaching or even a special learning unit.

But the education authority's own assessment says that the school is meeting Danielle's needs.

Mrs Stanway said: "I've now withdrawn Danielle from the school and she is at a new school where she is very happy.

"The way we have been treated is disgraceful and I am taking the case to a tribunal."

A spokesman for the education authority said: "Cheshire County Council has carried out a statutory assessment of Danielle's needs and found them to be within the range of mainstream education.

"Mrs Stanway has appealed against this assessment to the special needs tribunal. We have already responded to the tribunal and are awaiting a reply.

"In the meantime we remain in touch with Mrs Stanway and will be meeting her in the near future to discuss the situation."