12.15pm-1.15pm: St John's Church, Knutsford, private silent prayer for our farmers and all involved in the current crisis.

2pm-4pm: Tea dance at Knutsford Civic Centre with the Bert Grange Band. Admission £1.

11am-3pm: Arley through the seasons, gardening courses at Arley Hall Gardens - The Garden in March


WRVS Thursday Club

8pm: Knutsford Historical Society, Tatton Suite, Knutsford Civic Centre. Talk by Geoffrey Buchan on Marbury Hall.


7.15pm: Knutsford Full Gospel Church, weekend special guest speaker the Rev Arthur Mann from Lincoln at the Tatton Suite, Knutsford Civic Centre. Also Sunday at 10.30am and 6.15pm. All welcome.

Knutsford Ornithological Society has cancelled the field trip due to the foot-and-mouth epidemic.

St Patrick's Day in The White Lion featuring Kello the Clown, Mr Magician, Punch and Judy, face painting.

St Patrick's Day evening bash at The White Lion. Irish DJ, closed house at 10pm, late bar. Tickets from The White Lion £3. All monies to EFC.


7.30pm: Buddhist meditation classes by experienced meditation teacher Peter Mullin at Knutsford Civic Centre. He will be giving guided meditations and teachings on love and cherishing others. The four-week course will encourage students to take more control over their lives, be positive and cope with stress and related illnesses. There is a £5 charge per session.


1.30am: Knutsford Rotary Club's sponsored jog around The Moor and King Street car park. To participate contact Tiffany's in King Street, Knutsford Information Centre, Knutsford Leisure Centre or Knutsford Library.


7pm-9pm: Knutsford and District Stroke Club, Stanley House, Bexton Road, Knutsford. Sing-a-long with Max.