WARRINGTON Borough Council is putting in place a series of controls to reduce the greater risk of the foot and mouth epidemic.

The move follows orders from the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAFF) after a neighbouring farm in Little Leigh had a confirmed case of the cattle plague.

The first precautions put in place include reintroducing a prohibition on the movement of animals, the banning of shows involving animals and re-evaluation of footpath closures around the area within a 10km radius of Little Leigh.

Andrew Gilbert, assistant director of environment services said: "We are looking to introduce these measures as swiftly as possible so that we can reduce the risk of spreading any foot and mouth infection to neighbouring Warrington.

"It is important to stress that, at present, Warrington is not a declared foot and mouth-infected area this status has been designed to contain the rest of the disease spreading to the borough."