FOOD intolerances can cause a range of ailments, as well as weight gain. and cutting out the dietary troublemakers invariably leads to better health and a slimmer figure.

A test known as Alcat, developed in America, involves checking the blood for more than 100 different foods plus other checks for sugar balance, gluten reaction and candida.

Alcat became available three months ago at Saks hair and beauty salon, based at the David Lloyd Club in Cromwell Avenue South, Warrington. The salon is offering a free test worth £250 for a Guardian reader.

All the client has to do is have a blood sample taken by a doctor, at the salon. This is sent to Alcat laboratories where the checks are made.

After that, an optimum health diet using foods to which the client doesn't have an intolerance, is worked out.

The Alcat test has been done on rugby players at the Wolves and at Wigan and two other teams are in the pipeline.

Jackie Gordon, salon co-ordinator at Saks has also had the test done. She found she had a high intolerance to beef, and a lesser intolerance to several other foods including almonds, pineapple, lemon, Brussels sprouts and chicken.

"I had the test done because I felt tired", said Jackie. "By cutting out these foods I have more energy and I sleep better."

Once the troublesome foods are known, the client avoids them for a specific length of time, and this varies depending on the degree of intolerance. After that time, they can be re-introduced, and the client can then see what the reaction is.

Jackie found that when she re-introduced beef, she had a bad tummy. "If there is something you can't live without, you can re-introduce it, but don't have it all the time," said Jackie. Extensive advice on eating is provided after the test is done, with charts showing the degree of intolerance and a diet that "rotates" the right foods in a healthy eating plan.

If people are overweight, they will start to lose it through the eating plan. Food intolerances can be linked with a wide range of complaints. They include depression, IBS, hay fever, arthritis, chronic fatigue, migraine and muscle aches.

Jackie pointed out that people need to keep an eye on the content of convenience and processed foods, which may contain ingredients to which they have an intolerance.

The test will help most people. Even Dave Gauder, the "strongest man who ever lived" who is in the Guiness Book of Records, found he was intolerant to black pepper. When he cut it out, he didn't need a rest after his afternoon workouts.

Wolves player Andrew Gee was intolerant to 42 foods and chemicals. After two weeks on his new eating, he said he had much more energy and the difference was amazing. The test has helped thousands of people all over the world and is validated by scientific studies.

The free Alcat test will go to the sender of the first application opened after April 20.

Write to : Alcat offer, Warrington Guardian, 19, Europa Boulevard, Gemini Business Park, Warrington WA 5 5TP. The usual Guardian rules apply and no purchase is necessary.