A LYMM campaigner has slammed the borough council planning process which he says tries to sneak in controversial applications so residents don't get a chance to have their say.

A raging row is set to erupt after Redrow Homes submitted plans to build 64 two, two and a half and three storey homes on land off Rushgreen Road.

Members deferred the decision for a site visit as the Guardian went to press.

Villagers say they haven't had enough time to object to the scheme which was only registered on February 14, and advertised for the first time four weeks later.

But Redrow has lodged an appeal with the DETR on the grounds that the council has taken too long to make a decision.

Already, 1020 people have signed a petition, with more writing angry letters to the committee, and some neighbours say they only heard about the plans one day before the deadline for objections.

Andrew Wilson, residents' spokesman, says people are furious, and the village design group feels ignored. He is organising a mass rally at the Town Hall on Saturday April 28 at 11am for people to protest.

He said: "The frustration is incredible in this village it's spreading. South Warrington people are coming together and speaking with one voice which should be worrying for the council and MPs. It's about time they started listening."