We wanted to raise public awareness about the daily closure of King Street while work is carried out on the pavement.

The work is progressing at a snail's pace due to the fact that only two contractors ever seem to be in attendance.

It was mutually agreed that as, a token gesture, one of the three road closure signs would be removed for the benefit of the local newspaper (which was present) and as a precaution to avoid any danger to the public, the police were notified.

So we reacted with disbelief when Chris Horwell was arrested and bundled into the back of a patrol car.

At one stage we had four police officers on the scene - an all-time record in recent times.

If the police expect law-abiding members of the public to respect them, they, in turn, should respect our rights to peaceful protest.

Incidentally, a window was smashed later that night at that very location. Second time that week.

The police were noticeable only by their absence.


