THE state of the Nantwich Railway Station building has once again been criticised by the town's councillors.

The building is currently being used as a restaurant, and owner, Mr Bashir, has submitted an application for an extension.

However, Cllr Jean Pearson, spoke out at Nantwich Town Council.

"The railway station from the Station Road side looks an absolute disgrace," Cllr Pearson said.

The councillors were not in principal against the extension but wanted the problems with the building sorted out: "The patching work is terrible," added Cllr Pearson.

Cllr June Garner said: "It looks such a mess and I cannot see that it is going to improve. Mr Bashir has done a whole lot of things that he was not allowed to do," she added.

The councillors recommended approval, but made comments on the plans for the extension which will be passed to Crewe and Nantwich Planning Committee.