A WINSFORD farming couple have expressed concern after a public lane was reopened last week amid the on-going foot and mouth crisis.

Jonathan and Jane Gerrard, of Brook House Farm, Grange Lane, are unhappy about Cheshire County Council's decision to open Whitegate Way to the public last Wednesday.

The lane runs through their farm land and Mr Gerrard fears that by owners walking their dogs along Whitegate Way it could possibly spread the disease to his herd.

"There's nothing wrong with having Whitegate Way open if people obey the rules by keeping dogs on their leads - the problem is they don't," he said.

The Gerrard's farm is not considered to be in a foot and mouth danger area, but it is in a restricted area, meaning they are not allowed to move their 270-strong livestock.

To access most of the Gerrard's 180 acres of land, the cattle would have to move along a short stretch of Grange Lane and also a short distance along Whitegate Way.

But to do this the couple would have to apply for a special licence from the Ministry of Agriculture, Farming and Fisheries, which they believe they are unlikely to be granted at present.

Mrs Gerrard added: "It makes a mockery of the system, that people can walk on Whitegate Way."

Cheshire County Council's countryside management officer, Dave Kitching, said: "In each case the recommendation to reopen was taken only after a very detailed reassessment of the site on criteria laid down by the government."