More than 60 residents turned up at the weekend to clean Longridge and Shaw Heath and the woodland that links the two estates.

"Both estates are now virtually litter-free," said Caroline Hough of Manchester Methodist Housing Association.

"Lots of people, the young included, came out and helped and it has been a good starting point for a re-education programme to keep the area tidy."

Six skips were filled with litter and abandoned junk during the two-day clear-up but a further four skips had to be brought in on Monday for the rest of the rubbish.

A group of residents, appalled by the state of their neighbourhood, had organised the mass clean-up.

But 12 other organisations, including councils, housing committees and the probation service, did their bit too.

"The groups involved in the partnership have had both the ability and the desire to co-operate to get things done," said Ms Hough.

"Although there is certainly more work that needs to be carried out on the Dip, major advances to return it to its idyllic state were made at the weekend."

At a public meeting in December residents formed an action plan to regenerate the area.

Further weekend clean-ups are planned.