DRASTIC action could be taken by borough council bosses this week to deal with a crop of troublesome trees in Middlewich.

Congleton Borough Council will meet today, Wednesday, to discuss ways of dealing with a group of trees in Rushton Drive that is apparently posing problems for neighbours and pedestrians.

A report to the council's executive committee outlines the dilemma.

It states that over the past years, neighbours to 15 Rushton Drive have consistently raised concerns that four trees on the property could damage their home because they have become overgrown.

Efforts by the council to trace the owners of the empty property have proved fruitless and the situation is now a matter of urgency.

Executive members are advised by council officers that the trees, which are up to 20 metres tall, could fall if there was a sufficient gale and could damage neighbouring properties if they did.

Officers have also expressed concern at the situation continuing "for any length of time" and suggest cropping the trees to half their current size.

Any action by the council would be trespass unless there is a clear statutory basis for the work to be done.

The decision now lies in the hands of the committee's members and whether or not they are satisfied of the threat of damage to neighbours' homes.

A decision was expected at tonight's meeting.
