AMAZED, I watched the water round my feet turn orange!

It's not a trick, I was told reassuringly, just toxins being drawn away from your joints.

I felt so relaxed as the warm water gently bubbled around my feet, I could have fallen asleep.

Complimentary therapist, Barbara Chamberlain, invited me to test her innovative bio-detox treatment.

Her Lavenders Holistic Health and Beauty Clinic is the only centre in Halton to offer the brand new therapy.

It looks like a foot spa with a small coil, but actually generates electromagnetic energy. A mild electric current draws the toxins out from the 2,000 pores in your feet.

"The conventional way to detox is to diet," explained Barbara, a former Halton College tutor. "Everyone has toxins in their body from the food we eat and the air we breathe. But to eliminate them from your bowels, bladder and skin can be quite an effort and take several days.

"With this treatment, you can sit with your feet in a bowl of warm water and let the machine do the work."

The water changes into different colours depending on where the toxins are being eliminated from.

Yellow indicates the reproductive organs, as well as the kidneys and bladder, and green, dark brown or black means they could be from the liver, gall bladder or bowel.

Coloured bubbles and grease floating on top of the water could simply be fat drawn from your body.

Barbara went on: "This spring cleans your body from the inside out. I'm just amazed by it.

"I was so impressed when I saw it being demonstrated at a major exhibition, I just had to have one."

People riddled with arthritis, she said, have found it very beneficial.

The bio detox costs £30 for half an hour and Barbara can also be contacted on 01928-574553.

l Pictured: Complimentary therapist, Barbara Chamberlain, demonstrates the innovative bio-detox treatment.