THE flightpaths over Knutsford will not change, airport bosses said on Monday.

In a statement faxed to the Knutsford Guardian, managing director John Spooner said the airport would instead continue to seek ways to reduce the impact of aircraft noise.

He added: "We expect departure routes to remain unchanged for several years," he said.

Residents were annoyed when larger jets leaving Manchester flew over the east of Knutsford during a short trial.

Bosses warned it could become a permanent change to ease the burden on the residents of Mereheath Park and Mere.

But hundreds around the Carrwood estate signed a petition and Tatton MP George Osborne and key campaigners took their case to the Government. On Monday Mr Osborne paid tribute to his constituents who battled against the airport.

"They formed themselves into a tireless army of volunteers who set up action groups and took the time to write individual letters of protest," he said.

"They have the decision they richly deserve and I will keep a close eye on the airport to make sure it sticks to this welcome promise."

Campaign group KAMJAG, veteran protester Jeff Gazzard and Mr Osborne regularly met officials to argue for residents' rights.

On Monday airport chairman Brian Harrison said the airport had been asked to consider changing the flightpaths by residents in Mere.

"Today's decision will not please everyone, but we have done our utmost to balance a range of complex factors and conflicting interests to act in the best interests of the majority," he said.