DAVID Grey's music is nice in the same way that kittens and cups of tea are nice. His music is homely but entirely uninspired.

The Other Side is taken from David Grey's new album A New Day at Midnight , the follow up to the seven times platinum White Ladder.

There's no real excitement to the lyrics in the song and the melody is best described as dampened.

Meet me on the other side/I'll meet you on the other side - over and over and over again.

David is trying to catch the emotions of life but all he seems to clutch at is melancholy. If he could dive into a black dog depression, I think his music benefit. As for passion, forget it. David Grey is a man of few extremes and it is reflected in the way he writes his songs. For his troubles I'll award him an absolutely middle of the road rating.

Two and a half Globes out of Five. ETM