ONCE upon a time in a small brick cottage with a straw roof that was near the forest, there lived a little girl called Amy. Amy lived with her mum and dad and her cat called Pipsqueak.

Pipsqueak was a kind and gentle creature, whom loved playing in the snow. This is why every winter's morning Pipsqueak would rum out with Amy to see if it had been snowing.

One winter's morning Pipsqueak ran out by herself to play in the forest, she had been running for three minutes but it felt like ten years. In the end she came to a freezing cold river and slept there for three nights. On the third night Pipsqueak fell into the freezing cold river. She shot out of the river like lightening.

Meanwhile back at the cottage Amy was getting worried. After all, Christmas was going to be tomorrow. So she decided to write a letter to Santa and this is what she wrote.

"Dear Santa I don't want any presents for Christmas this year, I just want my cat back. Please can you bring her back to me? From Amy".

Back at the forest Pipsqueak started to cry. "I want to go home" she sulked. THEN SUDDENLY! Santa came rushing by on his sleight. "Are you sure you want to go home Pipsqueak, because I know a little girl who is desperate to have you back". So Pipsqueak climbed into Santa's sleigh and before she new it she was back at home. Amy was so surprised and happy to see them. But the biggest surprise was yet to come on Christmas day Pipsqueak had four baby kittens called Cupcake, Squeaky, Foxy and Rascal.

This was the best Christmas present ever.

The End.