IT was the 1st December, this was the week that Jamie and Olivia were to hand in their Christmas Box. "Jamie, Olivia time to do your Christmas Boxes" explained mum.

Jamie and Olivia did not want to get rid of any of their toys, that was what you called selfish. "Mum do we have to" they answered.

The rest of the night in the Hewitt's family was arguing and arguing. "Mum do I have to get rid of my new blue album?" Olivia asked. "Oh but I love my new tractor, its brand new" Jamie pleaded. It was 9.00 now, "bed time now kids, oh yes, there is your cup of tea and your biscuit's, good night sleep tight don't let the bed bugs bite" dad joked.

Later on mum and dad started to discuss what they were going to do with Jamie and Olivia, they had a plan. "I know, we will put their toy's in the Christmas box for them" mum explained.

But dad had a better idea "On Christmas day we will just give them a little box full of small gift's and when they have learnt their lesson we will give them their proper gifts" dad decided. "Great idea" said mum.

When the next morning cam mum and dad both asked Jamie and Olivia were they still going to put their blue album in which was half price or their new tractor from the pound shop in Birchwood. But still Jamie and Olivia both answered no. This went on for a matter of weeks until it came to Christmas eve.

Jamie and Olivia were extremely excited, they put the milk and cookie's out for Santa, and went straight to bed with their stockings. While they were asleep mum and dad got Jamie's and Olivia's presents and took them round to Grandad's house and dropped their presents off. And then just filled a small box of gifts and went up to bed themselves.

Mum, dad its Christmas, wake up. Mum and dad walked down the stairs behind the kids smirking to each other and hear a scream. "AHHHHHH" they shouted. "Where are all our presents" Olivia asked. "There" dad said. Mum came in with big bags full of presents, "I know how it feels to have no presents now" said Olivia. I think they have learnt their lesson now. "What this was a trick" Jamie declared, it certainly was, there are your real presents" mum answered. So it ended up a great Christmas.

They all looked at each other and said "Happy Christmas".

The End.