A few weeks before Christmas little Tommy was saying goodbye to his mum who was thin, had brown hair, blue eyes and loved make-up.

His dad who was average, black hair, brown eyes and loved to watch tv and read the newspaper. Then Tommy was whisked of to his Gran and Grandpa are known as the wrinkles.

The next day Tommy was sitting in the kitchen and asked his Grandma "Gran does it ever snow here?" "No darling all it does is hail." Grandma wrinkle said with a sigh.

The next day Tommy was helping Mrs Wrinkle bake some mince pies and putting pound coins in them.

A week later Tommy was decorating the tree on Christmas Eve with silver baubles, snowmen, tinsel, sparkling lights, angels, frosty bits of glass in shapes, snowflakes and stars.

A while later Tommy was sent to bed with a mince pie and a stocking which he hoped would be full of chocolate mice, a laptop, computer games, and much, much more. When he went to be bed he secretly planned to wake up at midnight. When it struck midnight at the church clock, Tommy was up with a start. He tiptoed down stairs but then he saw someone but he didn't know who then he blinked and shouted "Santa!" Santa jumped and turned round. "Hello Tommy why you're the first person I have ever seen before!" "But how.....do you know my name?" "Well you see I know everything!" "Because you are the first kid I have talked to I will grant you a wish, so what do you want?" "Well I would like you to make it snow on Christmas day." "Then go off to bed and that's what I'LL do." And that night only one snowflake fell.

When Tommy woke up he rushed to the kitchen to look out the window at first he didn't see anything but he wasn't looking properly because there was only one snowflake and it was on the window sill.

When Tommy found the snowflake which was a few minutes later, his grandma Wrinkle had just come in and had to leap out of the way because jumped shouting "IT'S SNOWED!"

When Grandma Wrinkle got back her wits she peered out and said "But there's only one my dear." "But Tommy wasn't listening he had run outside but he was shivering then he remembered be was wearing his teddy bear pyjamas.

A while later Tommy was playing all the way through lunch till night time.

When Grandma and Grandpa Wrinkle were sleeping peacefully Tommy woke up, got dressed, tiptoed downstairs and went outside to play and when he got to the snowflake it started to talk it said "Hello my name is Twig the snowflake my friends call me Twig, but guess what Tommy we are going to visit Santa!"

Then Tommy felt a tingling feeling and thought that Twig was getting bigger and bigger or was Tommy getting smaller and smaller?

When Tommy got to Santa he was waiting for them. After that they went indoors to meet all the elves.

For the next half hour Tommy was chattering, eating until they saw the sun rising so quickly Santa gave Tommy a ever lasting snowflake.

In the morning Tommy woke up and said "Oh it was only a dream!" But in his hand was the ever lasting snowflake.