There once lived an old man. He lived in Gravent Grove in an old house belonging to his grand father. The man's name was Simon Scrooge. Simon had a problem, he was mean, nobody liked him, but he wanted a friend.

The next day a girl called Simone and her twin brother Stewart knocked on the door singing Christmas Carols. Simon opened the door and the children started to sing. Simon shouted "SCRAM YOU KIDS OR I'LL KICK YOU OUT OF THE COUNTRY!" So off they trotted down the lane, with no money in their pot.

That evening Simon Scrooge woke up with a fright. He heard his grandfathers voice so he went downstairs. When he looked around he saw a spirit of his grandfather. He said happily, "My grandson I've not seen you in ages. Why can't you change your expression, change back to nice when you were young."

The next day was Christmas and Simon thought of what his grandfather said so he went on every and gave them 500 pound in cash and he changed to nice.

This is a Christmas story about how to share, be kind, don't be greedy.