IF you go down Westroad Lane to number 4 and search the house you're sure to find Pip and Squeak's mouse hole.

Pip and Squeak are two mice, Pip is light brown and Squeak is snowy white. They're both very adventurous and this is the story of how they showed their adventure abilities one Christmas Eve.

One Christmas Eve Pip and Squeak were sitting by Mr and Mrs Worthington's fire. This couple were young and very rich. They had gone out for a dinner and had locked their cat Smittens in the bedroom so the mice were safe. As the mice sat by the fire Pip asked Squeak......... "What's the date?" and Squeak answered "The 24th December, why?" " I was just wondering, but isn't 24th December Christmas Eve?" Said Pip "Yes it is!" the both squeaked jumping up from their place by the fire.

"We'll have to decorate the hole Squeak said excitedly. "Yes let's get the stuff." Pip suggested. So they went round the house collecting things that they needed to decorate their mouse hole when suddenly Mr and Mrs Worthington came through the door. "Oh no!" Pip and Squeak shouted and hid under the couch.

Mrs Worthington went to her room and let the cat out. Now the mice were in danger. However were they gong to get back to their hole with the decorations. Quickly they made a das for the Christmas tree. Pip scurried up the Christmas tree and quickly snapped a branch off the tree. The when it fell to the ground. It made an accidental crashing sound. The cat spotted them. Squeak quickly ran up to meet Pip. They were both squeaking like mad. "What's going to happen?" Squeak asked when suddenly the cat jumped fro the tree, The tree fell over and the cat was picked up by Mrs Worthington. "Naughty Cat!" She said opening the door "Out now!"

Quickly the mice grabbed all that they could and made a dash for the hole. They decorated it and went straight to bed in their matchboxes.

Christmas day came and the mice enjoyed a Christmas full of cheese, Christmas tree branches planted in thimbles and stolen Christmas cake, stolen from Mr and Mrs Worthington.........and as for the cat he was locked in the bedroom all day and didn't enjoy any of the Christmas fun.