On Christmas Eve the snow was falling and more icicles were appearing at the North Pole.

When Santa was looking at all the Christmas lists he noticed a particular one from Snow Red, she was asking for 7 elves to help her with the cleaning. At the bottom there was a little message saying "there's a mystery that needs to be solved". Santa knew that she meant the 7 elves were trapped at the wicked witches castle.

Santa picked Rudolph to come with him as he knew he was a magical. Santa put on his wooly coat and boots and set off. When they arrived at the castle there were guards everywhere. Santa dressed up as a guard and pretended that he caught Rudolph to eat, they soon arrived at the main office. Santa looked at all the keys and spotted 7 elves he grabbed the key and was soon of to find them. He slid the key into the lock and got them out. He explained about him dressing up. They hopped on Rudolph's back and flew off. They put the elves in the cottage and were soon off.