MILLIE and Timmy the two mice lived in a hay barn on a farm. They were happy there, they had scraps of food they stole from the farm house, they had the hay and some old rags to sleep on. The only problem was Angus.

Angus the ginger cat was always teasing them, or doing something to annoy them. He had even found their hiding place for food and even though he didn't like cheese, grapes, or fruit cake he ate it all.

The day before Christmas Mr McDonald (the farmer) and Angus went to the hay barn to get some hay for the animals on the farm. The farmer went over to choose a big bundle of hay. Angus went over to the mice and started to whisper mean things to the mice, "I'm looking forward to my Christmas dinner" he hissed "I'm having mouse stew" There was a clang and the mice and cat looked up the door was locked. The farmer was gone, Angus was locking the barn.

The mice crept backwards, but Angus just lay down in the hay and went to sleep.

On Christmas day Millie and Timmy were awoken by the cockerel on the farm. Millie and Timmie peered out of the small barn window. The ground outside was blanketed with snow. Suddenly they heard a loud meow, "hello little mice" said Angus, sneering "Hhhello Angus" whispered Timmy. Millie picked up some fruit cake and a piece of ham, "Here you go" she said passing Angus the tiny scrap of ham. He took the ham and ate it then he walked over to a puddle of dripping water and lapped it all up.

Millie went over to the corner and found a read piece of ribbon. She passed it to Angus, Happy Christmas she squeaked.

The farmer came in to the barn "there you are" he said then he picked Angus up and walked out, Angus smiled at the mice over the farmers shoulder.