ONCE upon a time, a week before Christmas, a boy called Simon and his dad were on their way to buy a Christmas tree "can we get the biggest tree Dad so it shoots out of the chimney?" said Simon.

"Maybe son, but I'm not sure your mum would like a tree that is too big, plus she wouldn't be able to decorate it" dad replied.

As they arrived, the lumberjack welcomed them. "Can we have a tree please?" dad said shivering. They looked around the trees. There were big ones and little ones everywhere. Finally they found it! A tree that was so big Simon couldn't reach the top! "Dad, dad it's here" The tree I want, it's so tall please can I have it?" Simon shouted. "OK son you can buy it!" Dad smirked.

On the way home Simon looked at the tree.. on each side, upside down, everywhere in excitement. When they got home, simon ran through the door and called breathlessly, "Mum, mum the tree is great it's so big, can we get the decorations? Can I put the fairy...?" "Hold on we haven't even got the decorations yet, get dad and see if he'll get them for us" said mum. So Simon ran off and fetched dad upstairs. "Go up to the loft dad, I can't wait; the tree will be so good be careful not to break anything!" Simon boomed.

Simon soon tired of running around the house and fell asleep with the tree fairy in his hands.

"Should we wake him?" said Simon's dad. "No leave it till the morning, but turn on the tree lights in the morning he'll love it." His mum said.

That morning when Simon woke he squinted "Wow!" he thought. "Did my mum do this? If she did it's fantastic!"

Simon got up and went into the kitchen to get a drink, on his way back to the living room he saw a note on a branch of the Christmas tree. As he walked nearer to the branch he tripped on one of his toys. Simon stumbled forward into the tree "AAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" he shouted. "What have I done? Mum will be so angry!"

He worried for half an hour, until he had an idea! He remembered when he was out once, playing football, he had seen a tree. "Maybe I could get it? No... I'll just tell mum!"

Simon picked up the tree and put the decorations back on; when his mum came downstairs he told her what happened. She turned round and hugged him, "It's brilliant Simon, I was never please with the way I decorated it in the first place!" she said.

On Christmas morning Simon got everything he wanted, all because of the tree.